BC Lookout 7024
We have used this Angus sire as our next step after Bando. Thick, moderate frame, easy fleshing with growth, carcass and controlled milk. We think his daughters will live on grass year round. He also gets us into some Emblazon/Equator bloodlines that we have not tapped into with our cowherd. The heifers have turned out well so far. |
HTP SVF In Dew Time
We used this Simmental sire more heavily last year. His numbers are a great match to our Angus sires when converted to an Angus base. We believe that he will produce F1 females that are consistent with the type of cattle we raise. |
L T 598 Bando 9074
We selected this Angus sire to use on our Alliance heifers and young females. He is a good combination of calving ease, and above average growth in a moderate frame package. We have been very impressed with the heifers that have been raised on nothing but forage. |
Lazy S Red Shocker 226L
We were looking for a Simmental sire to use on our mature cows that increase growth and inject some hybrid vigour into the calves. We think we have found it in Red Shocker. He does a phenomenal job on feeder calves and has great carcass to boot. |
Sitz Alliance 6595
We selected this Angus sire for use on the majority of our cowherd in 2004 due to his strong maternal characteristics, predictability, and his good feeding attributes. We have many Alliance daughters in the herd and they have done well. |